If you enjoy an occasional massage, you do so because appreciate its many benefits. From relieving sore aching muscles to relaxing after a stressful day, treatment by a registered massage therapist (RMT) is a great way to rejuvenate yourself.
But most people, even some of those who enjoy regular massages, don’t think of it for what it really can be: a therapeutic treatment for a long list of physiological and psychological symptoms.
Once you appreciate that massage is therapy, and not just to loosen up tense muscles and joints, you begin to see a whole new world of benefits from massage treatments
In addition to the therapeutic benefits of massage for your overall health and wellbeing that we’ve told you about before, massage has been shown to relieve the symptoms of the following ailments and conditions.
Back Pain
If you’re one of the 50% of people who suffer some form of back pain, massage has been shown to reduce the need for painkillers and to be at least as effective a treatment for backpain as chiropractic treatments and acupuncture.
Repetitive Strain Injuries
The more we’re tied to our desks for work, the more we report repetitive strain injuries in our hands, wrists, arms, neck and back. In addition to reducing the pain of these injuries, massage has been linked to relieving their root causes.
Digestive Issues
Whether it’s occasional constipation, or chronic digestive issues, massage therapy can help relieve the symptoms.
Cancer Symptoms
Massage has been linked to the relief of the nausea, pain, insomnia and fatigue suffered by cancer patients.
Face, Scalp and Hair Health
To help you look your best on the outside, massage therapy helps improve the circulation in your face and scalp, to bring more healing and rejuvenating oxygen and nutrients, for healthier looking skin and hair. Some studies have shown that regular massage therapy can even reduce the appearance of wrinkles!
The Ashgrove Spa offers therapeutic massage treatments, performed by RMTs in a professional, relaxing environment. Call or visit us today to learn more.