When one is assessing another person about their energy, mood, age, health, mental alertness … the eyes are the most important tool in the body. No other organ can tell you as much about a person’s inner condition.
For the longest time, people absorbed body language and facial movement to read another person. Our face has over 250 muscles that individually form and change and reflect, our eyes provide sixty percent of the information one receives about our current condition.
In the current face mask-wearing time, when one can see only our eyes, taking care of our eye area is even more important than ever before.
You’ll find so many specific eye products in our Spa or our online store. Unfortunately applying regular face cream closer to your eye will not give you the same result. The skin around the eyes more delicate and thin with much fewer oil glands to protecting it. Your eye muscles move all the time and when facial cream gets into your eye, it can be uncomfortable and irritating.
If you enjoyed this post, check out our article “Why These Types of Massage Therapy are Beneficial for You” or contact Ashgrove Spa today!