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3 Benefits of Eyelash Tinting

Eyelash tinting can make your eyelashes appear fuller and more voluminous without needing mascara on. It may be ideal for you if you have lighter eyelashes and dread wearing mascara everyday. It is also an ideal option if you are going on vacation and still want that no makeup, makeup look.

Let’s go over 3 benefits of eyelash tinting.

Speeds Up Your Makeup Routine

Say goodbye to mascara! Since eyelash tints last a few weeks, you don’t need to worry about accidentally wiping your mascara on your face or dealing with clumpy eyelashes. However, eyelash tints are not permanent. Think about dying your hair at a hair salon. You have to consistently do it in order for your hair to stay the same colour. Eyelash tints are the same. So, when your eyelashes start growing you may need touches of mascara to keep the colour the same.

Water Resistant

Have you ever gone swimming or had to wash your face and end up dealing with running mascara? Well, eyelash tinting does not run, even in water. It is permanent dye that will stick to your eyelashes. This way, you do not have to deal with getting mascara off your face or having to purchase another mascara that is water resistant.

Unique Colours

If you have naturally blonde eyelashes, you may not want to tint them jet black. Eyelash tinting accommodates this as there are many different colours you can choose from. Perhaps you want a brown or if you want your eyelashes to appear vibrantly, you may choose jet black. If you are following the colour pop trends, you may even choose to tint your eyelashes purple, pink, or blue. The colours vary and give you many unique options.

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